Eric Moody
Ph.D., P.E.
Since completing his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering at Texas A&M University in 1997, Dr. Moody has been actively involved in the civil and forensic engineering profession. As a consultant to government and private industry, he has researched and investigated hundreds of performance related issues in commercial and residential structures throughout Texas. His emphasis has been in the areas of earthwork and site drainage, roofing systems, foundation and structural systems, hydrology and water penetration analysis, wind damage analysis, and transportation systems analysis.He has published technical papers in the fields of civil and forensic engineering, infrastructure management, and construction materials and he has provided expert testimony in both deposition and courtroom settings. Dr. Moody also has extensive training and professional experience in the field of vehicular accident investigation and reconstruction. Prior to pursuing a fulltime career in forensic engineering, Dr. Moody worked in various research capacities at the University of Texas, Center for Transportation Research and the Texas Transportation Institute (TTI). After completing his Doctorate, he continued to work in a research capacity at TTI. He resigned his position at TTI in April 1999 to pursue consulting opportunities in forensic engineering on a full-time basis. In addition to his formal training at the University of Texas and Texas A&M University, Dr. Moody has also been involved in professional organizations such as the American Society of Civil Engineers, the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) and the Texas Association of Accident Reconstruction Specialists (TAARS). He is a former Chairman of the Forensics Committee for the Texas Section of ASCE.